Please note the copyright policy and fair use terms of content of . You are most welcome to quote a short part of our content and link back to us, but remember these linking and copyright terms :
- Copy Limitations – Please do NOT copy the whole post. A short paragraph with content in quotes seems reasonable.
- Attribution – You must credit the original article and clearly highlight the fact that the content was derived from and Proper attribution is essential.
- Link Back – You need to link back to the article from which you derived the excerpt.
- Noncommercial Use – You cannot use our content or sell it for commercial purposes without permission.
- No Derivative Works -You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
- NO Feed Republishing – You cannot republish our full text RSS feed articles on any site without prior permission. You can use our feed to republish our headlines in sidebars using RSS widgets.
I copied your full content. So what?
The implications of content theft and plagiarism are serious in the current scenario. The site content and rights are well protected for the content owner. Complaints and legal notices could lead to
- IP getting banned / blacklisted
- Web hosting account canceled
- All advertising accounts like Google Adsense banned forever
- Search engine penalties with DMCA, loss of site traffic.
- Cease and Desist orders and legal proceedings to follow.
- Domain ban / downgrade with and poor worth
So basically content theft is a surefire quick way to get your site banned by search engines, hosting companies and advertising partners.
NOTE: This Policy is subject to change anytime at my sole discretion and any changes made will be effective immediately.